Soeharto was the second President of the Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta, on June 8, 1921. His father named Kertosudiro a farmer who is also the assistant headman of the village rice field irrigation, while his mother was Sukirah.
Soeharto entered the school when I was eight years old, but often moved. Originally schooled in the Village School (SD) Tens, Godean. Then moved to SD Pedes, because her mother and her husband, Mr. Pramono moved house, to the South Kemusuk. However, Mr. Kertosudiro then move it to Wuryanto

General Big H.M. Suharto had walked a long way in the military and political career. In military, starting from Soeharto's army sergeant KNIL, then commander of PETA, the regimental commander with the rank of Major and Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel. In 1949, he successfully led his forces retake the city of Yogyakarta from Dutch colonizers hand at the time. He also had been a Guard Commander in Chief Sudirman. It also had become Commander Mandala (liberation of West Irian).
October 1, 1965, eruption G.30.S./PKI. Suharto took over the leadership of the Army. Besides confirmed as Army Commander, General Soeharto was appointed by President Sukarno Pangkopkamtib. In March 1966, General Soeharto received a warrant March 11 from President Soekarno. His job, restore security and order and safeguard the teachings of the Great Leader of the Revolution, Bung Karno.
Because of the deteriorating political situation after the outbreak of G.30.S./PKI, MPRS Special Session, March 1967, appointed Soeharto as Acting President, was confirmed as the Second President, in March 1968. Soeharto ruled for more than three decades through the election six times, until he re
signed, May 21, 1998.
After treated for 24 days at Pertamina Central Hospital, South Jakarta, former president Soeharto finally died on Sunday, January 27, 2006). Suharto died at 13:10 o'clock in the