1999 - 2001 Abdurrahman Wahid, who often called Gus Dur was President of the Republic of Indonesia to 4 starting October 20, 1999 until July 24, 2001. He was born on August 4, 1940 at Denanyar village, J
ombang, East Java. Gus Dur is the first son of six children. His father was a founder of NU great organization, named KH. Wahid Hasyim.
While Ibunyabernama Hj. Sholehah is the dau
ghter of the founder of Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, KH Bisri Syamsuri. From marriage to Sinta Nuriyah, merekadikarunia four children, namely Munawaroh Qotrunnada Alissa, Zannuba Arifah Chafsoh, annita Hayatunnufus, and Inayah Wulandari.
Since childhood, Gus Dur has a penchant for reading and diligent use of his private library. In addition, he is also active in visiting public keperpustakaan in Jakarta. In their teens Gus Dur has been familiar with a variety of magazines, newspapers, novels and books. In addition to reading, a hobby he also played soccer, chess and music.
Even Gus Dur, had asked to be a commentator of football on television. Another indulgence, who joined also completed his hobby is watching movies. This penchant for causing yangmendalam appreciation in the film world. This is why the Gu-Dur in 1986 was appointed as chairman of the 1987 Indonesian Film Festival jury. Gus Dur's adolescence was spent largely in Yogyakarta danTegalrejo. In two places is the development of science began to rise. The next period, Gus Dur live in Jombang, the Pesantren Pond Rice, until then continued his studies in Egypt.
Before leaving for Egypt, his uncle had melamarkan wooing a girl for him, namely Haji child Sinta Nuriyah Muh. Sakur. Marriage performed when Gus Dur was in Egypt. After the journey seeking knowledge, Wahid returned to Jombang and chose to be a teacher. In 1971, he joined the Faculty of the University of Sugarcane Ushuludin Ireng Jombang.
Three years later he became secretary of Ireng Pesantren Tebu, and in the same year Gus Dur was becoming a writer. He returned to his talent as a writer and columnist. Through these writings Wahid thinking ideas start getting attention of many. In 1974 Wahid was asked his uncle, K.H. Yusuf Hasyim to assist in Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang with a secretary. From this starting Wahid often get invited to be keynote speaker at a number of religious discussion and kepesantrenan, both at home and abroad. Wahid further involved in the activities of NGOs. First the LP3ES with Dawam Rahardjo, Aswab Mahasin and Adi Sasono in boarding school development project, and then establish P3M Wahid led by LP3ES. In 1979, Wahid moved to Jakarta. At first, he pioneered the Pesantren Ciganjur.
While in the early 1980s as Wahid's vice-Katib believed NU Syria. Wahid here involved in discussions and serious debate about religious issues, social and political in many circles across religion, ethnicity and discipline. Gus Dur's more serious writing and wrestling with the world, both in the field of culture, politics, and Islamic thought. Career people think `deviant`-in his capacity as a religious figure as well as the NU-board and invite scorn when he became chairman of the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) on tahunn 1983. He also became chairman of the jury of the Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) in 1986.1987. In 1984, Gus Dur unanimously selected by a team of ahl al-hall wa `KH chaired aqdi As `ad Syamsul Arifin a position in the general chairman of NU at the 27th congress in Situbondo. Re-affirmed the position in the 28th congress in pesantren Krapyak Yogyakarta (1989), and Cipasung convention in West Java (1994). NU chairman position is then released when the president Wahid of Indonesia to 4. During the president, not a little thought Gus Dur controversial. Often a different opinion than the opinion of many people. Abdurrahman Wahid died in the age of 69 on December 30, 2009 at 18:40 PM in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta.
Don't forget to read all posted at Calling Indonesia.

While Ibunyabernama Hj. Sholehah is the dau
ghter of the founder of Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, KH Bisri Syamsuri. From marriage to Sinta Nuriyah, merekadikarunia four children, namely Munawaroh Qotrunnada Alissa, Zannuba Arifah Chafsoh, annita Hayatunnufus, and Inayah Wulandari.
Since childhood, Gus Dur has a penchant for reading and diligent use of his private library. In addition, he is also active in visiting public keperpustakaan in Jakarta. In their teens Gus Dur has been familiar with a variety of magazines, newspapers, novels and books. In addition to reading, a hobby he also played soccer, chess and music.
Even Gus Dur, had asked to be a commentator of football on television. Another indulgence, who joined also completed his hobby is watching movies. This penchant for causing yangmendalam appreciation in the film world. This is why the Gu-Dur in 1986 was appointed as chairman of the 1987 Indonesian Film Festival jury. Gus Dur's adolescence was spent largely in Yogyakarta danTegalrejo. In two places is the development of science began to rise. The next period, Gus Dur live in Jombang, the Pesantren Pond Rice, until then continued his studies in Egypt.
Before leaving for Egypt, his uncle had melamarkan wooing a girl for him, namely Haji child Sinta Nuriyah Muh. Sakur. Marriage performed when Gus Dur was in Egypt. After the journey seeking knowledge, Wahid returned to Jombang and chose to be a teacher. In 1971, he joined the Faculty of the University of Sugarcane Ushuludin Ireng Jombang.
Three years later he became secretary of Ireng Pesantren Tebu, and in the same year Gus Dur was becoming a writer. He returned to his talent as a writer and columnist. Through these writings Wahid thinking ideas start getting attention of many. In 1974 Wahid was asked his uncle, K.H. Yusuf Hasyim to assist in Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang with a secretary. From this starting Wahid often get invited to be keynote speaker at a number of religious discussion and kepesantrenan, both at home and abroad. Wahid further involved in the activities of NGOs. First the LP3ES with Dawam Rahardjo, Aswab Mahasin and Adi Sasono in boarding school development project, and then establish P3M Wahid led by LP3ES. In 1979, Wahid moved to Jakarta. At first, he pioneered the Pesantren Ciganjur.
While in the early 1980s as Wahid's vice-Katib believed NU Syria. Wahid here involved in discussions and serious debate about religious issues, social and political in many circles across religion, ethnicity and discipline. Gus Dur's more serious writing and wrestling with the world, both in the field of culture, politics, and Islamic thought. Career people think `deviant`-in his capacity as a religious figure as well as the NU-board and invite scorn when he became chairman of the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) on tahunn 1983. He also became chairman of the jury of the Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) in 1986.1987. In 1984, Gus Dur unanimously selected by a team of ahl al-hall wa `KH chaired aqdi As `ad Syamsul Arifin a position in the general chairman of NU at the 27th congress in Situbondo. Re-affirmed the position in the 28th congress in pesantren Krapyak Yogyakarta (1989), and Cipasung convention in West Java (1994). NU chairman position is then released when the president Wahid of Indonesia to 4. During the president, not a little thought Gus Dur controversial. Often a different opinion than the opinion of many people. Abdurrahman Wahid died in the age of 69 on December 30, 2009 at 18:40 PM in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta.
Don't forget to read all posted at Calling Indonesia.